| By notification of MEDT, an order was signed by minister of economic development and trade, German Gref, on the 21st of October 2005.
Decision to start the investigation was made according to the Federal law №165-FL from the 8th of December of 2003 “About special defensive measures, while importing goods” and consideration of declaration by “Korund” and supporting enterprise.
Main suppliers of sulfurous anhydride to the territory of RF were countries of EU (main supplier was Finland – 99.9% of supplies of sulfurous anhydride to the territory of RF).
Data stated in the declaration of “Korund” allows telling that there is a connection between increased import of sulfurous anhydride to the territory of RF and serious damage to the corresponding branch of Russian economy, notices MEDT.
Sulfurous anhydride is mostly used in food, cellulose-paper, chemical and medical industry. |